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TechBriefings - Contact Us

TechBriefings is a full service engineering and IT service company specializing in energy management, project and projgram management, and IT integration services.

Contact Us TecBriefings
4404 Edgewood Drive
Louisville TN 37777

Main phone number: 865-389-6274

Career Information E-mail:


What's New

Our new Energy Division (On-Target Energy) is working diligently in on planning for multiple large decommissioning jobs. We are mentoring clients on how to develop the project management plan, WBS, schedule and costing for various projects. We have begun the Winter 2013 UT Project Management and Lean Certificate Courses. Courses and project work are underway utilizing Lean, Six Sigma and PMI techniques-we are focusing on saving energy!

Work on Six Sigma projects is moving along with a number of clients; including Department of Energy.